Candidate photos must comply with Passport Size Photos, see below:
The size of your image:

• the image of you – from the crown of your head to your chin – must be between 29mm and 34mm high.
Your photos must be:
• printed to a professional standard,
• clear and in focus,
• in color on plain white photographic paper with no border,
• without any creases or tears,
• unaltered by computer software,
• be a close-up of your full head and upper shoulders,
• contain no other objects or people,
• be taken against a plain cream or light grey background,
• be in clear contrast to the background,
• not have ‘red eye’.
In your photo, you must:
• be facing forwards and looking straight at the camera,
• have a plain expression and your mouth closed,
• have your eyes open and visible,
• not have hair in front of your eyes,
• not have a head covering (unless it’s for religious or medical reasons),
• not have anything covering your face,
• not have any shadows on your face or behind you,
• not being with sunglasses or tinted glasses, if you wear glasses that you cannot take off, your eyes must be visible without any glare or reflections.